Assist Me Helping The Hope Exchange
A report from 2020 estimated upwards of 14.000 people find themselves homeless in Cape Town. The economic consequences of the Covid19 pandemic have more than likely added to this number, and one could fear that the current rise in fuel and food pricing, which might only be at its beginning, will force more Capetonians to leave what they now call home.
There are simply not enough services to deal with the suffering of this stigmatized and marginalized group. As homelessness is a complex phenomenon and so often misunderstood there is no single solution. The Hope Exchange take a holistic and comprehensive approach.
They facilitate various touchpoints which address basic and essential human needs such as being able to wash, get a meal, and have one’s health status checked and cared for. While attending to those needs, they also further encourage and cater for taking the opportunities for getting social care counselling, attend life skills training lessons and be referred to addiction rehabilitation if applicable and/or first-phased shelter.
The Hope Exchange does also receive referrals back from partnering organizations with suitable candidates for becoming residents in their second-phase shelter, the Geoff Burton House. The residence can accommodate 40 men. They have all managed to find employment and now need a safe and affordable place to stay where they still receive social support and structure while they take the last few steps to become a fully independent member of society.
The Carpenter’s Shop
Nedbank, Gardens Centre
Branch Code: 101-009
Account No: 1010076043
Swift Code: NEDSZJJ
Please use ref: Greg + your first and last name
For card payment or scan
Use the button to make an easy online card payment (you do not need to be registered with SnapScan)
Or scan below QR code with your SnapScan app

Donations are eligible for tax reduction. Simply contact The Hope Exchange, and they will issue a Section 18A tax certificate.
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